

Recipe~ Strawberry choco Mochi








And now, I am going to do a challenge for my first English recipe for my friend -Katja.(All above what I wrote in Mandarin is not important for the recipe just my murmuring so you can ignore it)


Let’s go~~~~~


食材Ingredients: (Serve 6)


(1)太白粉(或玉米粉) Corn starch / 2tbsp


(2)糯米粉Glutinous Rice Flour / 100g

Sugar / 25g

牛奶() Milk(water) / 120g


(3)巧克力豆 Chocolate bean/ 60g

  草莓Strawberry / 6pc






    Place the corn starch of item(1) in a container(make it flat) and put in the pre-heat 150° oven for 5~7 minutes. (It’s for dusting the pastry that we are going to make later, to prevent it stick in your hand and finally it can also decorate a bit the mochi you made)


* 將(2)3種材料混合並攪拌成有點像優格狀粘稠,接著放入微波爐叮2分鐘,檢查一下,約呈現半透明狀即可,我是牛奶跟水各加一半,多了一點奶香,記得慢慢加入,視粘稠狀而定,分成6個等分,先丟到(1)的太白粉裡面備用。

    *Mix the 3 ingredients of item (2) and stir until the stiffness is similar with yogurt. Put in the microwave for 2 minutes and make sure the color becomes translucent. (I put half milk and half water so the pastry can have a milky flavor, and remember to pour the water slowly to check the stiffness as you required)

    *And divide into 6 equal pieces, put them in the corn starch(item 1) for later.   






      For the item (3), melt the chocolate bean. Wash and remove the head of the strawberry and dry it.    



(The picture is so blur~~sorry><)


     以上都準備好了之後,就可以開始包了,我是先把大福的皮稍微用手揉開像  水餃皮一樣,再放上巧克力醬,再放草莓, 然後再把它全部包起來,沒有包的很美,不過最後再用太白粉稍微遮一下醜,也是還行

*All the preparation is done so we can start to make it. Try to do it as fast as you can or the pastry will be dry very quickly as well as the chocolate will be solidification again.

*The first layer is the pastry and the chocolate and then the strawberry. Make it a ball. Even its not perfect you can use the corn starch to make up a bit.




And that’s it. I’ll recommend to put in the fridge for half or an hour before eat, it taste better. But better don’t put until next day, the pastry will become harder I guess or put it in a sealed container so it can last for another day. Hope my explanations are clear enough. Let me know if you still have any questions and don’t forget to send me your pictures after you made it^^









~C'est fini~


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